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Jama Masjid and Tomb of Salim Chishti

6:14 AM / Posted by Unknown /

Jama Masjid or Jami Mosque meaning the Friday Mosque (A.D. 1571-72) as the date of its completion, with a massive entrance to the courtyard, the Buland-Darwaza

A distinguishing feature is the row of chhatri (Seen) over the sanctuary. There are three mihrabs in each of the seven bays, while the large central mihrab is covered by a dome, it is decorated with white marble inlay.

The right corner is shown with White marble building which is Tomb of Salim Chishti: A white marble encased tomb of the Sufi saint, Salim Chisti (1478–1572), within the Jama Masjid's , courtyard. It is encrusted with mother-of-pearl mosaic. Surrounding it is covered passageway for circumambulation, with carved Jalis, stone pierced screens all around with intricate geometric design.


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