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Munnar lady

11:02 AM / Posted by Unknown /

Munnar lady, originally uploaded by woolyboy.

Met this sweetheart of a lady high up in the tea plantations...she was intrigued by the fact I was out early in the morning with my camera. Though we did not speak each others language we did form an understanding...I asked her if there would be a view to capture from the top of the mountains. Next thing I knew she had taken my hand and led me to this location, she knew what I wanted because the views were absolutely breathtaking from this vantage point. Hope this is evident in the background.

You can see from her clothing she is ready to start picking,most of the other tea pickers were similarly attired, the bag on her side ready to be filled with the freshly picked leaves. Such a kind happy lady, I'm really pleased to have met her,we even had a few laughs along the way, a memorable morning I enjoyed so much. Hope I didn't get her into trouble with her boss......Munnar, Kerala India



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