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The balancing act, as they say, can do wonders for your job!

11:21 AM / Posted by Unknown /

So, we (my younger bro and I) were curious to see this new kind of traffic on the highways of Hazaribag, India and we decided to spend one morning to study them more! They are porting Coal to the local dealers who then transfer the coal to the Fire Chambers making brick (called bhatti). These guys pack their sacks late in the evening and start early at 2am from a mine near Kujju. They have to pay taxes to Naxallites about 10% of their profit. Then, they have to pay 10 Rs per bora (sack) to the local police. It's called 'Lal Salaam'. In the end, they are able to make about 300 Rs a day riding this huge load for 40km one way!

Mind you, they can ride that bicycle most of the times!

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